front page / Freeriding / Snowboarding / Snowboards
Looking for a new board? Snowboards for both beginners and more advanced skiers for backcountry and slopes from brands such as Jones Snowboards, Amplid, Nitro, Salomon, Korua, United Shapes and Powder Flower.
Showing all 14 results
162166Amplid on lähtenyt tavoittelemaan Singular -sarjalla lumilautoijen ...399,00€
659,00€ -
153157162SolomonHPS Wolle Nyvelt Fish on kunnianosoitus Wollen asiantuntemukselle p...479,00€
649,00€ -
159164SolomonHPS Taka EP on joustava ja ketterä vapaalaskulauta, jonka erityispi...499,00€
649,00€ -
140160Korua ShapesKorua Shapes Dart on klassinen pyydalaudan sheippi, mutta moder...399,00€
499,00€ -
156Korua ShapesDart+ on rakenteeltaan päivitetty versio normaalista Dart Class...599,00€
749,00€ -
158161Jones SnowboardsJones Flagship is at its best in technical terrain, at high speed...469,00€
699,00€ -
159W162W165WJones SnowboardsJones Flagship is at its best in technical terrain, at high speed...469,00€
699,00€ -
152157Jones SnowboardsA short board with a larger surface area that opens up the terrain in a completely new way...399,00€
649,00€ -
158Jones SnowboardsJones Storm Wolf on aktiivisen laskijan swallow teil niin rinteelle...399,00€
649,00€ -
160164Jones SnowboardsFreecarver 9000s on lauta, joka on suunniteltu auttamaan sinua teke...445,00€
649,00€ -
158WJones SnowboardsJones Stratos lumilauta on ihanteellinen kaikissa olosuhteissa tapa...445,00€
649,00€ -
149Jones SnowboardsNaisten ja lyhyempien laskijoiden Jones Flagship on parhaimmillaan ...469,00€
699,00€ -
154158162Jones SnowboardsJones Mind Expander on parhaimmillaan sielun surffareiden, sidehit ...349,00€
599,00€ -
180Powder FlowerDon't let the royal nature of the board fool you. Powder Flower's 18...999,00€